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Roaring '20s Literature & Film - Pittsburgh Campus

Find resources related to the authors, film, artists, and music of the 1920s in America & Europe

Movies that Depict the 1920s

Films About the 1920s

Stark Media Services

About the Stark Media Services Center: The Stark Media Services Center, located in Hillman Library, houses more than 15,000 DVDs, videos, laserdiscs, and 16mm films. Most items in the collection are available for a two-week loan to University of Pittsburgh students, staff, and faculty with a valid Pitt ID. Although this collection only circulates to faculty and graduate student instructors at the University of Pittsburgh, anyone is welcome to view films in the Center using our equipment. For more information about Stark Media Services, including our hours, an FAQ, and forms that faculty can use to place films on reserve or request that the library purchase new DVDs, films, or videos, please visit our website.