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Course & Subject Guides

Scholarly Research in Shakespeare Performance History @ Pitt

For Kathleen George's Performance History of Measure for Measure course 2234 THEA 2202

About Google Scholar

Google Scholar is a search engine that provides links to full-text articles to which the University Library System subscribes or to articles made freely available by the publisher. Scholar also provides articles from academic publishers, professional societies, preprint repositories and scholarly articles posted on the web. In addition, many articles are available when the University of Pittsburgh has a subscription. Finally, Scholar provides citations along with abstracts of the article if it is protected by copyright.

Using Advanced Search

. . . by clicking on the hamburger icon (hamburger iconin the upper left corner of the Google Scholar search page

location of the hamburger icon and advanced search on Google Scholar in the upper left portion of the window

Enter your subject search terms in the top four boxes according to how you want the terms to be combined.

Search for your terms anywhere in the full article or limit your search to terms in the title of the article.

  • anywhere in the article - will return a more complete set of articles related to your topic, but will also include more articles of less relevance because the term appears somewhere, but is not a major concept in the article
  • in the title of the article - will return a more focused, but smaller, set of results since terms in the title of an article tend to be major concepts in the article. Some relevant articles will be missed because the terms appear in the text, but not the title.