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Course & Subject Guides

Natural Science 1 & 2 - Greensburg Campus

This guide will assist students enrolled in NATSC 0050 & 0250

Developing Search Terms & Researching Your Topic

Select appropriate search terms for your subject. For better, more relevant results, you may want to use more specific search terms.

If you're struggling to find search terms, consider looking up your topic in a textbook or reference database for ideas. The Credo Reference database may be a good starting point.

Here are some search term examples. Note the use of quotation marks to keep phrases together for more relevant results.

bioassessment macroinvertebrates
"contact dermatitis" mutagenesis
phytoremediation "Immunoglobulin A"

Research tips:

  • Search PittCat and subject-oriented databases. 
  • Look for related keywords that you could use as search terms, if needed.
  • Revise your topic. Determine how you will answer your question. 
  • Evaluate your resources carefully! The PROVEN test below can help.
  • When in doubt, contact your librarian.
  • A Rough Guide to Spotting Bad Science

    Contact a Librarian

    Need research help? We'll meet with you!