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Course & Subject Guides

Cultural Sociology Capstone - Pittsburgh Campus

This guide is meant to assist students in SOC 1500 for their capstone research project.

Sociology Research

Sociology is the scientific study of human social behavior. As the study of humans in their collective aspect, sociology is concerned with all group activities—economic, social, political, and religious. Sociologists study such areas as bureaucracy, community, deviant behavior, family, public opinion, social change, social mobility, social stratification, and such specific problems as crime, divorce, child abuse, and substance addiction. Sociology tries to determine the laws governing human behavior in social contexts; it is sometimes distinguished as a general social science from the special social sciences, such as economics and political science, which confine themselves to a selected group of social facts or relations.

-- In The Columbia Encyclopedia, Columbia University Press, 2008. Retrieved from Credo Reference.

What Do You Need To Do?

Think of a Topic?

  • Consult your textbook, your assignment guidelines, or your professor for appropriate topics
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