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Course & Subject Guides

Comparative Politics - Greensburg Campus

This guide will assist students in Dr. Adams' Comparative Politics course PS0300 and similar courses.

Getting Started

Welcome to the Library Guide for Comparative Politics and similar courses at the University of Pittsburgh at Greensburg! Please use the tabs on the left to navigate around the guide. You'll find resources on countries, policies, evaluating sources, checking citations, and more.

Please schedule an appointment with a librarian or contact us with questions on finding sources. We're happy to help!

Country Information Sources

Political Risk Yearbook

This journal is found in the Business Source Complete database. For direct access, you can use the Journal Finder and search "Political Risk Yearbook" as shown in the image below.

journal search page with political risk yearbook typed in search box

Each Yearbook's country is listed in the title in the results. 

Journal finder results page with Political Risk Yearbook countries listed.

Should you need to locate Journal Finder in the future, it is linked under the Collections drop-down menu on the main and Greensburg library homepages. There is also a link to it on the top of PittCat pages.