Signing into PittCat gives you immediate access to full-text. The sign in option is in the upper right hand corner of your screen. You can request material through PittCat using Get It, even for material that we do not own. You must be signed in, then click on the item you need to see the full menu of options available. Use 'Request' to receive print materials from a Pitt library or ULS - Thomas Blvd. To make a request:
Additional questions? Please contact us so we can work with you to try and get the material you need. |
You can request material through PittCat using Get It, even for material that we do not own. You must be signed in, then click on the item you need to see the full menu of options available. Use 'Request' to receive a scanned book chapter or an article from print material. To make a request:
Additional questions? Please contact us so we can work with you to try and get the material you need. |
If Pitt Libraries don't have the books you need, you can use E-ZBorrow to request the items from other academic libraries. Borrow an item from one of 70+ other regional libraries -- fast! You will need your Pitt ID number (starts with 2P) to use E-ZBorrow.
See More HERE
If you identify an item in PittCat that is not available through our collections, or if PittCat indicates that we have access to an item in error, you can request it through our Interlibrary Loan (ILL) service.
ILL services are free and available to Pitt students, staff and faculty with a valid Pitt ID and Pitt computing account
• Articles can be downloadable from your list of requests
• Loan periods and renewals vary depending on the lending institution
• A one-time user registration is required before making an ILL request. You will not need to re-enter personal information every time you make a request.
More Information about ILL.
Additional Questions? Please contact us so we can work with you to try and get the material you need.
You've found some great citations, but how do you get the full-text? Finding full-text can sometimes be tricky. Try these steps when you have a citation:
1. Start by searching PittCat.
PittCat will list all the journals we subscribe to either online or in paper. If the journal is online, the PittCat record will offer a link directly to the journal database. If the ULS doesn't subscribe to the journal online, PittCat will list any paper volumes and issues we have of that journal.
2. Search for the journal via our E-Journal Search:
The E-Journal Search will tell you if we have an online subscription to the journal or publication you are seeking. Search by the Journal title, and the result list will list the years available online.
3. Maybe it's not online:
Not all publications are available online, or the ULS may not have an online subscription to the publication you are seeking. Search PittCat for the journal title to see if we have it in paper. If we do, you can go to the library that has it, or request that volume using the Get It system (see box at right).
If you don't find it in PittCat, you can request the article for free through Interlibrary Loan (ILL). ILL lets you request books or articles that the ULS doesn't have. Find out more in the box to the right, or on the Interlibrary Loan page.