Part of the University Library System, Owen Library on the University of Pitt Johnstown Campus provides access to a vast array of information resources.
If we don’t have the material you need at Pitt Libraries, use the ILL request form to request items from other libraries.
Availability of ILL services may vary during holiday and interim periods.
We are available to help your students find sources for their research projects. Please consider posting this information in your office or classroom to help promote our Book a Librarian for Research Help! service. Your referrals are extremely valuable to us and your students!
Need help finding reliable information?
Get help with research by meeting with a librarian!
Pick a time that works for you at Book a librarian for research help
As a reminder, Owen Library also offers the following services:
Teach with the Library by collaborating with a librarian on creating effective research assignments and teaching information seeking skills
Research assistance for you too
Find out more about how we can support you by visiting the Owen Library website at Your Pitt-Johnstown Librarians: