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Course & Subject Guides

Japanese Studies Databases for Researchers and Graduate Students @ Pitt

This guide is designed to illustrate databases and other free online resources for graduate students and researchers in Japanese Studies.

Single Search

All dictionaries and databases of JapanKnowledge can be searched by a single search box, however, several major databases have individual interface for effective search.  English Guide is available on each individual interface.

Unabridged Dictionary of the Japanese Language
Digital version of the largest dictionary of Japanese language with half million headings and one million examples.
You can limit search scope such as headings, full text, dialects and etymological theories.
Encyclopedia of Japanese History
Digitized version of all 15 volumes (17 books), which is one of the largest encyclopedias of Japanese history.
You can search 54,000 entries as well as 4,000 subentries. In addition, you can conduct a search by specifying only the references or authors.
Encyclopedia of Japanese Historical Place Names
Categorized 20,000 entries which encompass all of the prefectures of Japan plus Kyoto City.
In addition to history of place names from print version, edited to reflect recent changes such as municipal mergers and changes in place names and link to Google map.

Group Search Tips

For effective search, limit dictionaries and databases by categories.

Reprint Journals