Engineering Information:
The following databases will be particularly useful for this course:
Medical Information:
The following databases will be particularly useful for this course:
How to Search PubMed:
Follow this guide to find full text articles on PubMed.
Subscription Databases:
These are selected sources available through the ULS that feature numerical data and statistical information related to global health.
Provides abstracting, indexing, and full text for publications from hundreds of public domain and licensed sources.
Social Explorer is mainly an interactive map of demographic information drawn from the US Census. Users can examine geographic areas while selecting the type of data to be shown, such as population density or income level. Note: Creation of a Personal Account is required to fully access all Social Explorer features.
Presents mainly US census data for the nation as a whole, such as immigration statistics by country of origin or mortality rates by disease, ranging back to the 1800s.
Web-based Statistics:
These web-based resources feature numerical data and statistical information related to global health. They are freely accessible.
GHO provides easy access to country data and statistics with a focus on comparable estimates.
The World Bank's Health, Nutrition and Population (HNP) statistics.
Funded by USAID, this site has ready-to-use data for over 90 countries from over 300 surveys.
Provides information on societal trends, including health issues such as number of hospitalizations and depression rates, in the US and compares the US to other countries.
Find international statistics collected by the United Nations and related organizations.