You can request material through PittCat using Get It, even for material that we do not own. You must be signed in and then click on the item you need. Options within the item:
If you have any questions about this, please contact us so we can work with you to try and get the material you need.
All items in our catalog PittCat are labeled with Subject Headings to help users quickly find the subjects they need.
Subject headings describe the main subjects or topics covered in a book, as shown by the headings in the red box on the left. All headings are hot linked to other materials on that same topic. Simply click on a heading and PittCat will do a search and retrieve all other materials on that topic.
Subject headings can also suggest alternative search terms. In order to be as precise as possible about the meaning of a subject, subject headings use very specific, controlled vocabulary. You can look up the right headings for your research by using the Subject Heading Indexes located at the ground floor Hillman Library Information Desk.