Search PittCat, a listing of all the books Pitt owns1. Begin with a keyword or title search for an artist's name, for example, Alice Neel.
2. Click on a title that looks like it is about this artist.
3. This is what we call "a PittCat record." Look for "LC Subject Headings" and click on one with the artist's name.
4. You will see a huge list of subject headings - browse through this list to find a heading like these:
Neel, Alice, 1900-1984
Neel, Alice, 1900-1984 --Exhibitions.
This will provide you with a list of all the books that we have that focus on Alice Neel.
To find books that may devote only a chapter to her, or group exhibitions where she is one of many artists exhibiting, do NOT use subject headings. Use keyword searching.