Chinese | English |
前言和凡例 |
preface and general rules |
舆图, 图考 | maps |
疆域,沿革 | boundaries of the region and successive changes |
山川 |
topographical features |
古迹 | ancient monuments |
公署,城池 | official buildings and city walls |
河防, 水利, 河渠 |
water conservancy |
职官 |
officials |
选举 |
examinations |
户口 |
population |
田赋 |
land and taxes |
市镇 |
market towns |
物产 |
local products |
风俗 |
local customs |
人物, 列传 |
biographies |
艺文 |
literature works by local people |
杂记,杂事 |
miscellaneous |
Chinese | English |
政区 | Boundary and administrative region |
自然环境 | Natural environment |
居民 | Resident |
农业 | Agriculture |
水利 | Water conservation |
工业 | Industry |
城乡建设 | Towns and villages |
交通 | Traffic |
邮电 | Post and telecommunication |
贸易 | Trade |
财政金融 | Finance |
经济管理 | Economics and management |
党派团体 | Parties, groups and organizations |
民政 |
Civil administration |
劳动人事 | Labor and personnel |
政法 | Politics and law |
军事 | Military affairs |
科技 | Science and technology |
教育 | Education |
文化 | Culture |
体育 | Sports |
卫生 | Hygiene |
民俗 | Custom |
方言 | Dialect |
人物 | Figures |
大事记 | Events and chronology |