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Course & Subject Guides

Economics for International Business - Oakland Campus

For students in BUSECN 1508/BECN 2019, taught by Professor Jo Olson

Industry Info

Industry info will give you an overview and in-depth understanding of a particular industry. Oftentimes you will be able to get specific industry reports or information within a specific geography as well, such as the dog food industry in Germany.

However, industry research is rarely straightforward, so be persistent.

Find Industry Profiles

Industry reports contain valuable analysis of an industry's operating conditions, driving forces, competitive landscape, and more.

Industry Associations and Organizations

Trade association websites often contain industry news & information, although home page of the Automotive News, a magazine from an industry association.some data may be available to members only. Look for news, research, resources, library, data, or other tabs on the association's website.

These are often great sources of information, so don't overlook them!

How to find relevant industry associations and organizations

1. Do an advanced Google Search, structured like the following: industry description + association

Example: fiber optics + association

Example: automobile + association

Tip: Adding the command to a Google search will limit all the results to those with domains ending in .org.

Accompanying image from the front page of Automotive News.

NAICS and SIC Codes

NAICS classification tree

NAICS and SIC codes help classify and measure industry activity. Knowing the code for your industry will help you find reports, articles, and other information on that industry.

The NAICS (North American Industry Classification System) is gradually replacing the Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) system.

Even though the codes are standardized, different resources will assign codes differently. Additionally, many companies can have multiple codes because of their various business segments. Be flexible and cautious when using codes to search, and always check multiple sources.

Note: Sometimes there isn't a perfect or obvious code. If you have questions, please contact the business librarian.

Accompanying image from the Census Bureau's site.

To look up codes by keyword, use the following sites.

If you already have a company but don't know what code(s) are associated with it, try the following databases.

If you only have the SIC code but the resource you are using only provides NAICS codes, you might want to try and convert your SIC code to the NAICS code. You can use the following documents to help.

Another set of codes, the Global Industry Classification Standard, or GICS, was developed by Standard & Poors. The GICS classifcations were designed to "respond to the global financial community's need for accurate, complete and standard industry definition" and consist of 10 sectors, 24 industry groups, 67 industries, and 157 sub-industries.