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Course & Subject Guides

Korean Studies Resources and Services @ Pitt

This guide introduces major print and electronic resources on Korean Studies at the University of Pittsburgh. Tips on effectively searching for Korean materials on PITTCat are also given.

Featured Movies

 Title: 10억; A million
 Call #: DVD8419
 Subtitle: KorEng 

 Title:1724 기방난동사건;
 Accidental gangster and the mistaken 
 Call #: DVD7479
 Subtitle: KorEng

 Title:2009 로스트메모리즈 ;

 2009 lost memories

 Call #: DVD7338

  Title: 3 단변신로보트'84태권브이
  Call #: DVD7162
  Subtitle: KorEng

 Title: 5 천만자의하이테크, 팔만대장경

 Call #: DVD6654

 Title: Room 708, a letter from a private   

  708호, 이등병의 편지

 Call #: DVD7277

 Subtitle: KorEng


For more information, please go to the East Asian Library.


List of Collections in PDF format

Where are the movies located?

Most South Korean movie DVDs have been cataloged with call numbers formatted like this: DVD-#####. They are shelved at the Stark Media Services, Ground Floor (G-20), Hillman Library. Please check the website for circulation policy.